Halfway through the SOTERIA project!


Halfway through the SOTERIA project!

Meeting in Barcelona

Soteria Consortium Meeting Barcelona Ld

The SOTERIA project is halfway. We organized our 4th Consortium Meeting held by Computer Vision Center (CVC) and SCYTL, in Barcelona, Spain, on the 9th and 10th of March. What a pleasure to see partners and take time for fruitful discussions!
The purpose of this meeting was to provide insight of the progress of the project, with a focus on the WPs, project management, and internal communication, as well as to allow partners technical discussions within and between Work Packages.

First advisory board

We took this opportunity to invite the Advisory Board members, which gave suggestions and recommendations on how the project can be improved. The overall impression of the AB members was that the project is on track to achieve its objectives and the Consortium received congratulations on how well the project is handled given its complexity and challenging technological aspects (linkability, biometrics, user-friendly features, identity management, cryptography, citizens’ feedback etc.). WP2, WP4 and WP5 have been specifically praised for work done and the results obtained so far.

See you in Bucarest!

The Consortium is expected to meet again in September 2023, in Bucharest, Romania.